
18 funny animal snaps | thumbnail left disc of fox fluff, thumbnail right two small animals in outdoor planter

Best Of The Week: Humorous Animal Snaps Full Of Comedic Value (June 9, 2022)

17 dog memes | thumbnail left dog tweet "At the dog park this morning, a woman picked up her dog's poop, tied it, and handed it to her dog. Then THE DOG TOOK THE POOP BAG AND RAN UP THE HILL TO A TRASH CAN. The dog missed the can, so the woman called out "fix it" and THE DOG PICKED IT UP AND PUT IT IN THE CAN" thumbnail right dog eating cake meme

17 Mood Lifting Dog Memes For A Better Day

12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "I sent it to her, and she said that while she was very happy with the picture, she didn't like his paws in it and wanted a close-up of his head instead. She then sent me another photo saying she would prefer that one. This annoyed me as I spent at least 12 hours on this drawing. I told her this and said I can't do a whole other one for no extra pay. I asked for a photo to draw from because I draw the pose in the photo."

Pet Portrait Artist Pressured Into Re-Drawing 12 Hour Portrait For Free After Client Unjustifiably Expresses Dissatisfaction

5 dog videos | thumbnail left computer screen "me stressing out about work" thumbnail right two images of dog laying down sleepy "my dog"

Insta Doggos: Funniest Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week (June 7, 2022)

14 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left bear breaks into house and plays piano meme, thumbnail right bird tweet "Rythaze @Rythayze I rly like drawing giant birds demolishing armies

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (June 7, 2022)

2 TikTok videos and funny comments about a dog that farts every time she wants to go outside and sunbathe | Thumbnail includes a french bulldog near a human, a french bulldog going outside, and a french bulldog sunbathing 'i think i accidentally taught my dog that if she farts she gets to go outside and suntan... i thought it meant she had to poo... but she just goes out there and sits on the tanning bed...'

Hooman Accidentally Trains Her Dog To Fart Whenever She Wants To Go Outside And Sunbathe

18 animal tweets | thumbnail blue background " watching paddington 2 and I can't figure out why paddington has a british accent. they clearly show that he is born and raised in the peruvian amazon. if anything he should have a spanish accent. the fact that hes a talking bear doesn't bother me "

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (June 6, 2022)

24 animal memes | thumbnail left sheep meme "Them: You're wrong, it's not true Me: It's a fact, look it up Them: My bad, you're right Me:" thumbnail right hamster with small cast on arm

Take A Paws For Some Fetching Good Animal Memes Packed With Hilarity

4 TikTok videos about Tonkin the Doberman who lives in a van with his humans | Thumbnail includes a doberman laying near a van, a doberman laying in bed with his human, and a doberman enjoying a sea view

A Glimpse Into The Delightful Life Of Tonkin, A Doggo Living In A Van

4 TikTok videos of a dog shaking her booty and dancing every time she sees her dad | Thumbnail includes a close up of a dog, a man laying with a dog, and a dog dancing 'I'd never dance for any man Daddy'

Doggo Loves Her Daddy So Much, She Shakes Her Booty Every Time She Sees Him To Prove It

4 TikTok videos about two rescued elderly doggos meeting and living with each other | Thumbnail includes screenshots from a TikTok video of two dogs meeting for the first time 'Bringing home our new 7 year old rescue, to our 10 year old boy, so they can be a retirement couple together'

Weekly Dose Of Doggo Delight: Hoomans Bring Home Rescued Older Dog So She Can Retire With Their Other Older Dog

Huge American Bully Pup is Best Friends with His Small Human Brother, Creating the Most Tender Moments Together

Huge American Bully Pup is Best Friends with His Small Human Brother, Creating the Most Tender Moments Together

2 TikTok videos and funny comments about a dog that likes to take his food up to the couch and eat it while watching television | Thumbnail includes a white dog carrying his plate to the couch and him eating his food on the couch

Doggo Takes His Food Up To The Couch And Eats His Dinner With A Movie

13 dog tweets | thumbnail puppy held by rapper in music video shoot, tweet "brown sugar boba @iLove_CC today I am thinking about the puppy in the "all gold everything" video, who was having such a good time 6:59 PM . May 30, 2022"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (June 3, 2022)

18 animal snaps | thumbnail left bearded dragon "We gave our bearded dragon a toy lizard, now he's attached and won't leave its side ever. This is how he sleeps every day." thumbnail right  groundhog eating cake "My mom's office has a groundhog who regularly comes by for snacks. Today it was someone's birthday."

Best Of The Week: Humorous Animal Snaps Full Of Comedic Value (June 2, 2022)

20 dog memes | thumbnail left chicken sitting on puppies like babies meme, thumbnail right two dog friends meme

20 Mood Lifting Dog Memes For A Better Day