
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

video of a wild squirrel introducing her babies to a dog | thumbnail includes two pictures of a squirrel and a dog looking at one another

Adorable Wild Squirrel Introduces Her Babies To The Dog She Loves And Trusts More Than Anyone (Video)

original Cheezburger video about an escaped pig that sent a bunch of cops on a chase | thumbnail includes one picture of a police officer trying to catch a pig

Cue The Unstoppable Police Laughter: Aboarble Runaway Pig Sends Cops On A 30-Minute Chase (Video)

original Cheezburger video of a bull that escaped onto the train tracks | thumbnail includes two pictures of a bull running on train tracks

A Boisterous Bull Suddenly Appeared On A New Jersey Subway Track And Caused Complete Chaos For Hours (Video)

original Cheezburger video about a surfing competition for dogs | thumbnail includes one picture of a dog surfing

Annual Surfing Contest Crashed by Overenthusiastic Doggos, And They Fetch First Place in Cuteness (Video)

original Cheezburger video about a small parrot that does funny things | thumbnail includes two pictures including a parrot next to a cake mix box and a parrot pushing something off a counter

'His Signature Move Is Knocking Stuff Over': A Tiny Parrot With A Gigantic Personality Who Constantly Causes Chaos (Video)

video of a man building a maze for his pet octopus | thumbnail includes one photo of an octopus in a maze

Man Builds A Giant Underwater Maze For His Octopus To Test Her Intelligence, And She Hilariously Shocks Him (Video)

Friends Host an Unfurgettable Cocktail Paw-ty with Drinks Inspired by Their Pets

Friends Host an Unfurgettable Cocktail Paw-ty with Drinks Inspired by Their Pets

video about a man rescuing a wild baby squirrel | thumbnail includes two pictures including a baby squirrel drinking from a dripper and a baby squirrel on a man's arm

Kind Man Rescued Tiny Wild Squirrel, The Squirrel Then Chooses Him As Its Best Friend And Refuses To Leave His Side (Video)

original Cheezburger video about a woman rescuing a dog and her puppies and reuniting them | thumbnail includes one picture of a woman bathing a dog and puppies

Woman Saves Stray Momma Dog, Commits To Finding Her Lost Puppies And Reunites Them In An Emotional Moment (Video)

video about twenty snakes being found in a man's garage | thumbnail includes one picture of a bunch of snakes in a bucket

Man Makes A Call About 'Maybe Like 3' Rattlesnakes In His Garage, But When The Wranglers Come, They Get A Huge Surprise (Video)

video of a dog fighting coyotes then getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including a black and white security picture of a dog and a closeup of a dog sniffing a camera

Wildlife Cam Shows Stray Dog Fighting Off Coyotes, Kind Humans Rescue Him, And He Really Comes Out Of His Shell (Video)

original Cheezburger video about a shy horse making new friends | thumbnail includes two pictures including a horse walking and a horse interacting with two other horses

Shy Senior Horse Who Was Being Bullied By His Barn Mates Makes New Friends In A Special Needs Animal Sanctuary (Video)

original Cheezburger video about beavers building a nest inside made of toys in preparation for being released back into the wild | thumbnail includes one picture of a woman holding a beaver while it eats a watermelon

Adorable Beaver Carefully Builds A Dam Out Of Stuffed Animals Indoors In Preparation Of Going Back Into The Wild (Video)

viral twitter thread about a crow that can say hello in Chinese | thumbnail includes two pictures including a crow flying and a crow walking and two tweets 'Photograph - Jirai KeikeiKei @halfheldsky If a crow said "ni hao" to me I'd jump off the nearest cliff 12:00 AM - Oct 17, 2023 - 16.6M Views 541 8,887 0:02/0:22 54.8K 6,119 : ←] 소'

Video Of A Crow Saying 'Ni Hao' In Greeting When Seeing Its Human Goes Viral, And The Internet Has The Funniest Reactions (Twitter Thread)

original Cheezburger video about a woman who turned her apartment into a bat sanctuary | thumbnail includes one picture of a bat sniffing a woman's nose

'She Recently Reunited A Baby Bat With Its Mother': The 'Bat Woman' Who Turned Her Apartment Into A Bat Sanctuary (Video)

video about a sea lion jumping onto a boat and eating a man's fish | thumbnail includes one picture of a sea lion with a fish in its mouth

Hungry Sea Lion Hitches A Ride On A Man's Boat For Some Free Snacks (Video)