
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

10 text images from Reddit Am I The Asshole thread | thumbnail features one image on the left side of a cartoon woman blowing her nose, on the right side is a text image of the beginning of the Reddit thread, overlaid text reads "AITA? I told my roommate if they get a service dog they would have to move out / Not the A-hole"

Reddit Helps Honestly Settle Roommate's Service Dog Quandary

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "When I called to ask why she hadn't been by yet she told me that actually they were having trouble getting into my bedroom because she had locked the door the night before. There is not a key to that door. She calls a locksmith to let her in. Anyway she sent me an invoice for $150. She says that locking my bedroom door wasn't her fault because I didn't leave a note saying not to lock it."

Petsitter Hits Pet Owner With A Fat Locksmith Bill After Locking Herself Out Of Pet's Room

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background, text "Today I took my two dogs on a walk. I have a ~50 lb black mouth cur/pit rescue and a cockapoo. I rounded the end of my street and walked by a house that had a boy about 6/7 years old with a few adults (I'm guessing two aunties or grandmas) with him. One of the aunties pointed my dogs out to him. He smiled, I waved and kept walking. As I made it past their house, my dogs whipped around and started barking at something while"

Man Goes Off On Unsupervised Kid For Sprinting Towards His Dogs, Kid's Dad Gets Unreasonably Defensive

10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text " pick up times and for the past three times they have shown up over an hour past closing time to pick up their dogs. The first time they said it was because they forgot, the second time it was because of their kids and the third and undisclosed emergency. I let it slide all three times but the third time I warned them I wouldn't let it go this next time. "

Dog Groomer Gets Fed Up With Late Pick Ups, Drops Dog At Local Shelter Until Owner Bothers To Answer

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "She turned around and there was a fucking tarantula on the back of her hat, two of its giant mobile spider legs were raised and I was out of there. I beat feet and sprinted out the door and down to the end of the driveway."

Selfish GF Fails To Mention To Arachnophobe BF That Their Party Host Has A Penchant For Spiders

10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background, text "My step-dad said that I could leave her here and that he'll take care of her, but I said no, because again, she's mine. My mom said that my sister was crying and that they promise to keep me updated and I could visit Naboris whenever I want, I said no again. We went back and forth and my mom said that I shouldn't take a little girl's dog and I said "she's not hers, my dad gave Naboris to me, she's mine."

Teen Plans To Move Out With Her Dog, Parents Try To Guilt Her Into Leaving Dog At Home For Sister's Benefit

9 Reddit text images and one picture of a white cat wearing a tie sitting on a toilet | thumbnail features side by side images, on the left is a couple arguing with the woman in a white shirt on the left and a guy with a black shirt on the right, on the right side is a picture of two cats staring at a fancy letterbox inside a bathroom, text reads "AITA for not wanting to train my cat to use the litter box instead of the toilet because my boyfriend doesn't like it? / Not the A-hole"

Entitled Boyfriend Has Toilet Envy For Girlfriend's Cat

19 photos of dogs before and after adoption | Thumbnail includes a photo of a dog before he was adopted and a photo after he was adopted

Power Of Love: 19 Photos And Stories Of Doggos Before And After Adoption

10 text images from Reddit AITA thread about cat ownership | thumbnail features two side by side images, on the left is a woman yelling over her neighbors fence while wearing a black jacket and a red hat, on the right is a small multicolored kitten against a white background, overlaid text reads "AITA for not wanting to "return" a cat to his "rightful owner" / Not the A-hole"

Redditors Help Settle Unfortunate Cat Ownership Debacle

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "I told him everything. That I'm freaked out over what's wrong with Bella because they've done these tests and they don't know what's up. Finally he fucking tells me he's been LYING about the whole thing. Bella does go but he just didn't wanna pick up the poop. He didn't tell me because he knew I'd get mad since they only walk around this block; which means he's been letting her go on the neighbors yards and not picking it up."

Dude Hires His Brother To Dog Walk As A Favor, Loses It When He Discovers His Bro Has Been Lying About The Dog's Health

10 text images from Reddit AITA post about girlfriend who can't understand boyfriend's dog grief | thumbnail features two side by side images, on the left is the meme of the crying African-American man, on the right is a sick looking black and white dog laying on a couch, overlaid text reads "AITA for telling my boyfriend he was embarrassing us when he started sobbing in the Vet clinic hallway?"

Disrespectful Girlfriend Can't Understand Dog Grief– Redditors Give Her A Piece Of Their Mind

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "They brung the cat to the vet and the ones that stayed behind started scolding me. When they got the vet bills they told me to pay for it and saying this was my fault. I told them this wasn't my fault and they should've been responsible cat owners and listened when i told them to keep their cats off of my property."

Dog Owning Dude Warns Neighbors Of Letting Cats Onto His Property, Neighbors Don't Listen, Send Dude Fat Vet Bill

12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text " I just said no. The dog can stay in the car. My SIL then tried to play off the service dog sob story about how she needs an emotional support animal, to which I responded she should actually get a real service dog. Then she started debating about how the dog would have a panic attack in the car. Yeah, nothing quite screams service animal like "will flip out if left alone for two minutes.""

Sister In Law Gets Turned Away For Bringing Poorly Behaved 'Service Dog' To Family Event, Drama Ensues

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue  which I am not. Because like I said (a month before) I've had that week booked with another dog for nearly a year. My mom rolled her eyes and asked me to cancel on them. I am not canceling because my parents decided to travel at the last minute. I said this directly to her face. They are also going somewhere dog friendly, so it's not that they can't take her with them, they'd just prefer not to take the 15 year old dog"

Entitled Parents Don't Understand Why Adult Child Does Not Cancel All Commitments To Watch Their Dog While They Vacation

12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "Here in Hawaii, we have the Hawaiian Monk Seal which is one the most endangered seal species in the world. Whenever one of these chonky babies wants to sunbathe on the shore, the DLNR (department of land and natural resources) will post up a rope and signs with a 10-15 foot radius around the seal as it's technically illegal to get close to this endangered species and you can get fined."

Tourists Get Unreasonably Offended When Local Hawaiian Tells Them To Back TF Away From Endangered Seals

9 text images and one photo from a Reddit thread on the Am I The Asshole subreddit | thumbnail features two side by side images, on the left is a litter of five kitten with four of them orange and one in the foreground black and white, on the right is an arguing couple sitting in front of the window with the woman looking angry and the man with his head in his hands, overlaid text reads "AITA for calling my new kitties "my babies"? / Not the A-hole"

Girlfriend Freaks Over Cat Dad And His Babies– Reddit Hilariously Puts Her In Her Place