
The finest cats on the internet. Here you can has cats, their cheeseburgers, and everything to do with the glorious feline persuasion. Whether you adore them from afar or have assembled your own army to assert world dominance, you will definitely appreciate these hilarious cat jokes puns and memes.

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "We finally decided to invest in some ultrasonic motion- detecting cat scarers, which work a treat. However, about 3 days after installing the cat scarers, our neighbour came to our door and demanded that we take them down. She tells us that the cats are now 'terrified' to go outside, and this has caused them to defecate in the house instead. "

Neighbors Get Petty Revenge On The Cat Owners Next Door After Incessantly Finding Cat Poop On Their Lawn

23 screenshots from twitter where pet owners share their expensive vet stories | Thumbnail includes a man and a german shepherd laying together 'One of us just spent $600 to find out of the other one has gas'

Hoomans Pay A Hefty Vet Bill Just To Find Out Their Pets Are Attention Seekers: A Twitter Thread

10 Reddit text images from AITA thread | thumbnail features two side by side images, on the left is an angry grandma waving her finger at the camera, on the right is a tabby cat standing on a cat tree, overlaid text reads "Not the A-hole / AITA for giving my daughter's pets grandchildren" gifts and offending my son in the process?"

Grandma Gifts A Cat Tree And Son Gets Upset– Hilarity Ensues

10 reddit text images, thumbnail blue background text "They get here and my brother begins gushing about my cats, since he too loves cats. B is out and about, T is in my room, she prefers her alone time and just wants to sleep on my bed and occasionally look out the window, beg for pets and zoom at my feet. That is her ideal day. She's a lazy bones. My brother asks me to please go get T for his friend to see. I'm like sure okay whatever. I go get her, she walks in and she's a beautiful cat."

Sister Bans Brother's Best Friend From Her Home After He Insults Her Cats, Brother Says She Went Too Far

Animal Lovers Show off Their Pet's Roller Coaster of Emotions through Pawdorable Trend on TikTok

Animal Lovers Show off Their Pet's Roller Coaster of Emotions through Pawdorable Trend on TikTok

12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "I sent it to her, and she said that while she was very happy with the picture, she didn't like his paws in it and wanted a close-up of his head instead. She then sent me another photo saying she would prefer that one. This annoyed me as I spent at least 12 hours on this drawing. I told her this and said I can't do a whole other one for no extra pay. I asked for a photo to draw from because I draw the pose in the photo."

Pet Portrait Artist Pressured Into Re-Drawing 12 Hour Portrait For Free After Client Unjustifiably Expresses Dissatisfaction

10 text images from Reddit AITA post about parents wanting to stay in the pet room | thumbnail features two side by side images, on the left a woman raises her hand to her husband while her child cries in the foreground, on the right is a screenshot of one of the text images from the post, overlaid text reads "AITA not letting my parents move with me, because I don't want to give up my pets' room? / Not the A-hole"

Poor Woman On Reddit Has To Choose Between Pets Or Parents

People Show Animals They Regret Spoiling So Much

People Show Animals They Regret Spoiling So Much When They Were Younger

9 Reddit text images and one picture of a white cat wearing a tie sitting on a toilet | thumbnail features side by side images, on the left is a couple arguing with the woman in a white shirt on the left and a guy with a black shirt on the right, on the right side is a picture of two cats staring at a fancy letterbox inside a bathroom, text reads "AITA for not wanting to train my cat to use the litter box instead of the toilet because my boyfriend doesn't like it? / Not the A-hole"

Entitled Boyfriend Has Toilet Envy For Girlfriend's Cat

10 text images from Reddit AITA thread about cat ownership | thumbnail features two side by side images, on the left is a woman yelling over her neighbors fence while wearing a black jacket and a red hat, on the right is a small multicolored kitten against a white background, overlaid text reads "AITA for not wanting to "return" a cat to his "rightful owner" / Not the A-hole"

Redditors Help Settle Unfortunate Cat Ownership Debacle

Rex the Dog Becomes the Best Papa Pup When He Takes in His Family's New Kitten as His Own

Rex the Dog Becomes the Best Papa Pup When He Takes in His Family's New Kitten as His Own

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "They brung the cat to the vet and the ones that stayed behind started scolding me. When they got the vet bills they told me to pay for it and saying this was my fault. I told them this wasn't my fault and they should've been responsible cat owners and listened when i told them to keep their cats off of my property."

Dog Owning Dude Warns Neighbors Of Letting Cats Onto His Property, Neighbors Don't Listen, Send Dude Fat Vet Bill

9 text images and one photo from a Reddit thread on the Am I The Asshole subreddit | thumbnail features two side by side images, on the left is a litter of five kitten with four of them orange and one in the foreground black and white, on the right is an arguing couple sitting in front of the window with the woman looking angry and the man with his head in his hands, overlaid text reads "AITA for calling my new kitties "my babies"? / Not the A-hole"

Girlfriend Freaks Over Cat Dad And His Babies– Reddit Hilariously Puts Her In Her Place

12 dog rate tweets | thumbnail dog archie standing on top of man's back "WeRateDogs® @dog_rates This is Archie. He said he was a chiropractor as a joke. This guy believed him and now he's in too deep. 13/10 really committed to the bit The Muscular System THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ALT 4:05 AM · Apr 28, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 12.8K Retweets 811 Quote Tweets 150.9K Likes"

12 Pawesome New Dog Rate Tweets By 'We Rate Dogs'

10 images of text comments from Reddit's Am I The Asshole subreddit | thumbnail features a stock photo on the left of a Labrador sitting in a crate on a red pillow with a white background and on the right side a stock image of a man looking confused wearing a white t-shirt and glasses, overlaid text reads "Not the A-Hole / AITA for refusing to take in my ex's purebred dog, resulting in the dog going to the pound and getting adopted out almost immediately?"

Entitled Ex Has The Audacity To Play The Blame Game After Giving Her Dog Away For Free

Article with 8 TikTok videos about rescued animals that are now living amazing lives | Thumbnail includes three screenshots of lucky dogs living the American dream 'When you came from a farm in the middle of nowhere but got adopted bya dj and now you fly private, go on tour and have fans when you get adopted by a 23 year old that works from home, gives you attention 24/7, takes you on a daily 60 minute off leash walk, and let's you sleep under the going from the shelter to having a le$bean'

Animals That Started From The Bottom But Are Now Living The American Dream