
I tip my hat to you, and have a wonderful day. Where are the days where people used to talk with such dignity and respect. Now it's all MAGA this and Save the Planet that. Why not just go back to good old fashion headgear. You know, to cover that massive bald patch you pretend you don't have.

baby christmas hat Image kid reader squees - 5625758976

Reader Squees: Mary Had a Little Goat

acorn fashion hat Image nut sugar glider - 6000210688

Nice Hat!

FAIL gifs hat hiding Image pulling rabbit rabbits squee trick - 4628766464


acting like animals cat container hat head ice cream Image lies lying siamese wearing - 5369718016


bunnies bunny happy bunday hat hats Image paper pikachu Pokémon squee - 6202379776

What's On My Head?

adorable brothers guinea pig guinea pigs hat Image posing reader squees siblings sitting still - 4764233216


pepper guinea pig hat - 7293559296

We Made Him a Delicious Hat

chipmunk acorn hat fashion noms whiskers ears Image squee categoryimage - 4240665856


adorable baby costume fruit Hall of Fame hat hedgehog Image strawberry tiny wearing - 5720950272

Hedgehog Hat Squee

bunny costume dressed up halloween happy bunday hat Image rabbit - 5369393920


costume dressed up hairy hamster hat Image pun santa twelve squees of christmas - 5575026432


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