
Moo. The cow is a versatile creature. From milk to steak and even cash, they can do it all. But you should definitely buy the cow, no milk is free, and there's no such thing as free lunch. Let out a hoot at these bovine jokes and puns that will have you mooing.

cow face Image smile - 3782105856


baby bucket calf confused cow goat Image meme milk sitting sounds tub - 4636524032


cow Fluffy - 7294503424

Fluffy Cow Is Fluffy

calf cow field grass hairy Image shaggy - 5934830336

Hairy Coo!

cow lick hug - 7579298304

Bovine Love

baby calf cow cowlick cutest double meaning Hall of Fame Image lick licking pun tongue - 5711657216

The Cutest Cowlick

best friends calf cow friends friendship Image Interspecies Love jack russell terrier new reader squees - 5655417856

Reader Squees: New Best Friends

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