Animal Gifs Newsletter


Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden sun, please don't give me a massive sunburn and make it impossible to sit. That funky ball of gas and fire that keeps us from becoming human popsicles is a hilarious source of entertainment. So sit back, and watch your tan (or sunburn) spread with the Sun's scintillating jokes and puns.

March at Sunset

africa elephant march sun tumblr walk - 5985734656

The Resting Patterns of Cats in The Sun

gifs timelapse sleep sun Cats - 8452197376

What Happens When the Sun Comes Out?

gifs lemurs sun - 7111722752

Forget This Sledding Thing...

huskies sun - 8036028672

Enjoying Some Salad in The Sun

gifs sun eating Cats - 8122823424
Created by SatevisM

Cat Checks Out The Sun Beam

gifs sun Cats - 8110379264