Animal Gifs Newsletter


Most People Just Slip and Fall on a Banana Peel

banana Cats gifs scared - 7969005568

Ursus Meets the TARDIS

scared Cats funny - 7646209792
Via Gifak

Exit Stage Left, er, Left-ish

bounce Cats gifs funny scared - 8261085696

That's One Serious Dust Bunny...

bunnies gifs cute scared rabbits - 8115079424
Created by beernbiccies

No Need to Panic, Little Guy

gifs kitten scared aah Cats - 6842103296

Whoa! Hooo the Heck did That?!

gif cute owls scared - 7829954048

Chill out, little guy!

gif cute scared squee - 8578218752
Created by tamaleknight

Leaf me Alone!

leaf gifs scared - 8179446272


Cats gifs kitten mouse scared surprise toy - 6510885376

You Knew It Had to Happen

Totally predictable but still funny GIF of a cat playing with a balloon which obviously pops and the cat runs away.
Via Lawebloca

How to Get Your Cat Off the iPad

Cats commercial door fly gifs ipads scared scary - 6296654080
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