Animal Gifs Newsletter

cute gifs

Cute Chubby Samoan Flying Fox

Strange strobe light GIF of a cute and chubby Samoan Flying Fox.
Created by Unknown
polar bear gifs

10 Playful Polar Bears Acting Like...Polar Bears (Gifs)

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Excuse me sir

GIF of cat asking stranger which way he went
Created by Nobody-
adorable cute and sweet gifs of baby animals baby hippo duckling stretching a leg kitten pulling on adult cats tail otter first swim elephant falling into a bathtub

Adorable GIFs Of Baby Animals That'll Melt Your Heart

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cute animal gifs that are just THAT cute. The cover gif is of a small cat padding at its water bowl while seemingly trying and failing to drink from it.

Simply the Cutest Animal Gifs That Will Force An Awwww Out of You

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Running Parakeet

GIF of a parakeet being totally DERP and running all funny
Via Youtube