I Has A Hotdog Newsletter


Living the Dream

caption - 8587555584
Via tumblr

♫ Dachshund through the snow ♫

animals sled snow dachshund caption - 8586865408
See all captions Created by onefinekitty

is this enuff munnies for one noms?

noms caption money enough - 8587008512
See all captions Created by Chris10a

A Woof in Sheep's Clothing

animals woof clothing caption wolf - 8586676480
See all captions Created by signet02

I Like Cupcakes

bad counter eat cupcakes back caption - 8585232640
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad


being me never caption happiness - 8585224192
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad


started box patience empty big caption - 8585344512
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Would Do, WOULD Do!

sweet caption Cats - 8584528384
See all captions Created by Sissy

My Bag

thinking dont caption - 8584948224
See all captions Created by signet02

I Love The Doctor, But K-9 Is My Hero!

barking peeing caption - 8582348544
See all captions Created by Chris10a

Tak it or leavez it.

best caption smile - 8582237952
See all captions Created by MSchreff


public potty trained caption - 8583982336
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Math Geek Humor

fine line caption - 8583978752
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

The Odds are Odd

breakfast caption before win - 8583966720
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Every Halloween, The Same Thing!

animals again curses caption - 8583879424
See all captions Created by signet02

Invasion plot will be foiled!

caption mind now laughing - 8584123648
See all captions Created by Greencliff