I Has A Hotdog Newsletter


What Did You Do, Now?

animals wife caption - 8751970304
See all captions Created by chianty

Dogs Tell The Best Dad Jokes

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Via theforceiswith

Eatin' Muh Veggiez

broccoli caption - 8753610752
See all captions Created by jennybookseller

He Has a Good Point...

puppies caption newspaper - 8753386240
See all captions Created by mikebrow

What Can I Say... The Ladies Love Me!

animals caption cows - 8753590528
See all captions Created by echeg5

Puppy's First Snow!

snow puppies caption - 8753512192
See all captions Created by rbj

Human, I Am Your Dog.

bark caption star wars - 8747958528
See all captions Created by worksucks

More Like a Toe Chomper, Am I Right?

caption toes danse - 8750458112
See all captions Created by shriekingviolet

Disagreements Like This Are Common in My Home.

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See all captions Created by beckysdad

How Am I Supposed To Update My Status Now?!

animals park fire hydrant facebook caption - 8751625216
See all captions Created by MuttMeat

Please Don't Ask Me.

animals idea room caption no - 8747527168
See all captions Created by heyman

Put Your Left Paw Out

cute hokey pokey puppies caption danse - 8750459392
See all captions Created by shriekingviolet

Have You Ever Seen a Wahini Danse?

caption hula danse - 8750470912
See all captions Created by shriekingviolet

Doing Your Taxes Can Be Ruff

memes caption corgi taxes - 8749982720
See all captions Created by heyman

You Wouldn't Kid Me, Would You?

animals cake caption hat - 8750566912
See all captions Created by MuttMeat

Dogs Are More Like Cats Than Most People Would Believe

toes puppies pink reminder caption - 8751544320
See all captions Created by Debeh