I Has A Hotdog Newsletter


You Pawmised!

puppy car caption - 8772036352
See all captions Created by narykids

Same Difference

belly rubs caption happiness - 8766077184
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad


butt caption - 8772552448
See all captions Created by catstory

That Was a Debatable Decision

caption - 8770939904
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Men and Women Are Not Always Equal

animals crime caption women - 8768647936
See all captions Created by MuttMeat

Why Are You Mad?

plants caption - 8771982592
Created by Desilee


caption frog - 8772054272
Created by Chris10a

A Case of the Lazies

caption lazy - 8771281920
See all captions Created by gypsycat9

Isn't It Ironic?

animals song caption - 8765969664
See all captions Created by chianty

A Three-legged Dog Walks Into A Bar

animals man paw looking caption shot - 8768578304
See all captions Created by conbarbie

Harry Houdini The Great Escape Artist As A Young Pup.

out impossible caption break - 8765807360
See all captions

Poor Waldo

animals caption waldo - 8770943744
See all captions Created by Greencliff

They'll Get Ya

ankles caption - 8770376192
See all captions Created by catstory

Nooo, Do Not Run. if You Do, You'll Be the Treat!

caption treats - 8766192640
See all captions Created by Emerald63


caption sneeze - 8765523712
See all captions Created by signet02

You Can Stop Frantically Rearranging the Whole House Now...

keys caption - 8766260992
See all captions Created by Sissy