
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Foolproof Way To Get Your Dog Off Your Bed

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National Dog Day is Never Ruff When You're Watching These Playful Pups at the Park

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Little Girl Adopts a Deaf Puppy That's Just Like Her

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Bull Mastiff Enjoys a Beautiful Sunset With a Car Ride and Some Bruno Mars

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Boxer Pup Teaches Herself How to Use a Pool Noodle

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Watch a Helpful Golden Retriever Shuck Some Corn

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Pup Loves Water, but Hates Being Wet

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Tons of Dogs Took Over a California Beach for Corgi Con 2016

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Our Friends at Rover Dressed Up Their Dogs as Iconic Americans

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Ollie Refuses to Be Tricked Into Retrieving His Ball From the Evil Bathtub

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Playful Retriever Discovers How Awesome Slides Are

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Try Not to Be Jealous of This Dog's Super Luxurious Bath Routine

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Twinkie the Jack Russell Terrier Can Burst 100 Balloons in Under 40 Seconds

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Itty Bitty Puppy Meets Big Dogs in This Squee-Worthy Clip

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Much Derp. So Teeth. Wow.

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The Lord of Weinerfell Stars in This Adorable Parody: "Game of Bones"

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